Saturday, November 28, 2009

Proud to be one

There is always a saying but I am not sure if I am telling it correctly..."U r what u eat"....merely itz on how u behave!!!!....Well, I don't know if I can agree to this saying but I always feel that u r what you are from they way you are brought up.

Your behavior is actually the resemblance of how your have been brought up by your parents and the hands u have grown up in...This is because, your behavior actually resemblance your family as well.If they have good values then you too will posses the same value but if they do not posses good values then you might be on the wrong side of the road as well...

Besides that, attending Human Value classes also molds you into a better person or vice versa....It all depends on how you as an individual take it or put the values into practice, but all in all I will still say...It all reflects on your bringing up....=)

I have realized this a few times, but today it really hit me ryte on my face when I met one of my close friends mum...She kept on saying that she was so proud to see her daughter has befriended some of us as her friend.She said she has met good people at last.I wonder why she said that but I told myself,"Yes aunty, you do have nice people like us around where u always can rely on us no matter what"...I was also proud to say that, we are what we are today is due to how our parents have brought us up and also being Swami's Youths...We are the proud Sai Youths!!!!

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